Shipment After Ordering
Upon receipt of payment, your order will be shipped within 7 days, if the article is in stock and subject to availability. If an ordered article is not available from stock immediately we will inform you of the expected period of delivery.
All articles that are in stock will be sent to you through a package service. Articles that are not available from stock and that must be ordered cannot be shipped immediately. It may therefore happen that you do not receive all articles from one order in the same delivery. In an event of this kind we will only charge you the shipping costs once.
The package service will deliver your order to your home address (not to the neighbours). If you are not at home, the package service will leave a note and you will be requested to contact the package service within 5 working days in order to arrange a second delivery to your address. Alternatively you can collect the package yourself. This will usually be from an address near your home.
Shipments are always for the account and risk of Beach Wagon Company. The legal date of delivery is when the orders leave our warehouse.
Orders that are returned to us because they were refused at the door or were not collected from the stated address will be dispatched again only after you have paid the additional delivery costs. In this event we will inform you of the additional costs in advance.
The location of delivery is the address that was last stated in writing by e-mail to Beach Wagon Company.